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3-2-1: 16 Job Platforms You Need to Know // MBA Grad Case Study // The Psychology of Money

3 tips - 2 questions - 1 smile

Estimated Read time: 4 mins 16 secs

Hey, I’m Janet! I started Doing Well because I have felt the shame and overwhelm that comes with navigating personal finances on your own. We are here to empower you through monthly bookkeeping and personal 1x1 coaching so you can have the confidence and peace of mind to live your best life.

"Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up. Day by day, and at the end of the day, if you live long enough ... you will get out of life what you deserve."

— Charlie Munger, vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway

1/ 16 Job Platforms You Need to Know
16 job search websites beyond LinkedIn and Indeed to kickstart your job search journey, along with 10 steps to simplify the process of finding your ideal job. [Read the blog]

2/ Case Study: Sarah
How an MBA graduate increased her savings by 22.36% and paid off $15k loans in 5 months with Doing Well [Read case study]

3/ The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
NYT Bestseller, 4M+ copies sold, 50K+ Amazon reviews (4.7/5⭐) [Source]

  1. No One’s Crazy: we all see things differently because of our experiences

  2. Luck & Risk: success and failure aren't just about how hard you work

  3. Never Enough: don't risk what you need for what you don't

  4. Confounding Compounding: small efforts can yield significant outcomes

  5. Getting Wealthy vs. Staying Wealthy: getting money requires taking risks, keeping money requires humility and paranoia

  6. Tails, You Win: big successes often come from rare “tail” events

  7. Freedom: happiness means being able to do what you want, when you want, with who you want

  8. Man in the Car Paradox: possessions impress their owners more than others

  9. Wealth is What You Don’t See: wealth includes future opportunities yet to be seized

  10. Save Money: savings offer flexibility in seizing opportunities

  11. Reasonable > Rational: sometimes it's smarter to act with your gut than with your head

  12. Surprise!: trends in history remain unpredictable despite past behaviors

  13. Room for Error: expect things to not always go as planned

  14. You’ll Change: we'll keep changing more than we think

  15. Nothing’s Free: pursuing high gains without accounting for uncertainty leads to eventual setback

  16. You & Me: don’t take advice from a short-term trader if you are investing long-term

  17. The Seduction of Pessimism: people tend to listen more to predictions of stocks falling than rising

  18. When You’ll Believe Anything: storytelling help us understand what's happening

// 2 questions //

Answer: There's a lot of different aspects to this. Normally, the larger firms can only do a couple of things for you and will stick to managing the money in an advisory account. A lot of them also just give cookie-cutter advice. Without knowing where the local WM works, it's hard to say what they can and can't do. I usually tell people to go with an independent advisor who can do it all. That way they aren't captive and forced to use specific investments/plans. I would meet with both of them and say you're interviewing advisors, and want to see what they would recommend. Then compare what they say!

Answer: Your current 401k can't be put into a Roth IRA. The reason is that you're still working there and can't move "active" 401ks, plus moving money from a pre-tax account to a post-tax account makes the entire balance taxable for that year. You'll just want to adjust your contributions moving forward to go into a Roth 401k (if your job offers it). Then, I'd also not close out the investment account with $8k in it. That might have tax consequences, and having a brokerage account is always good. I'd even consider putting money into it monthly!

Any questions? Email us at [email protected] or book a coaching session.

// 1 smile //

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